Madonna Sharpe is an energetic healer specialising in emotional healing
Madonna assists people in creating greater awareness in their lives by actively listening without judgment, allowing one to be truly heard and reflecting back that which is not being said.
Madonna has a natural clairvoyance that allows her to observe what is really going on for another at a soul level, revealing the truth of any given situation.
Her intuitiveness and knowing helps to facilitate the clearing of emotional blocks and stagnant energy that may be hindering a person’s progress in life, through their fears, limiting self judgments and beliefs.
Fear has the ability to stop us reaching our highest potential. It can keep us locked in self destructive behaviour, preventing us from letting go of old habits and negative thought patterns.
The simple act of uncovering the triggers and beliefs can help us move forward and promote change – enabling us to break through our emotional blocks and move forward in life with confidence and joy..
Madonna is available for consultations and programs online as well as in person. Based in Queensland, Australia, Madonna also works internationally with clients from the UK, USA & New Zealand.
Get in touch today!
Start your journey towards healing, peace and self discovery. Madonna will get back to you as soon as possible, usually within one day.
Current Courses

This series of online meditations uses simple relaxation and guided visualisation to bring your awareness and energy back inside your being. The classes are specifically designed to balance all facets of your health – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Suitable for all levels, you can participate from the comfort of your own home.

Guided visualisations bring the focus back to your internal world. This 4-week meditation course will help you create the changes you desire through acceptance, understanding and action. It will assist you in getting to the heart of what is not working in your life.
These recorded meditations will be posted on a private facebook page along with discussions and support.

An 8-week online program that is personal to the needs of the participant.
Anyone is welcome – the only requirement is a passion for greater peace and freedom, honesty and an ability to look at what is not working in your life. This in-depth program is all about YOU – it is a commitment to yourself because you are worth it. It is you investing in you.

Consisting of an introductory weekend and six weekend workshops over an 18- 24 month period. You will discover simple techniques to clear emotional and mental blockages that prevent you from fully experiencing the joy of life.
The course is open to all and has led to profound growth and change for previous participants throughout the world.

The Eyes of Love
A stunning testimonial from the very talented poet Patricia Dryden.
Madonna – The Eyes of Love
How deep does your loneliness dwell?
When did you

Heartfelt Thanks
Too often in life we get caught up in what we feel is lacking in our lives – our desire for more – a better job, flashier car, more income,