I’ve been working with Madonna for a few years now. When I look back to when I first started with her, my life and myself were in such a different space. Madonna has coached me forward, helped me see myself much more clearly and she’s been there to untangle my head when I can’t see the wood for the trees. Madonna has been an amazing sounding board, coach, mentor, counsellor and friend all at the same time and the work we’ve done and the ground we’ve travelled has been so worth it.

I highly recommend the work she does, the guidance and insight she allows you to uncover for yourself as she leads you to greener pastures. For me it has not been an easy path but it has been beyond worth it and I am so grateful for her honesty and patience with my journey. I’m still with her after a few years so that speaks volumes.


Last year after sudden loss of a lifelong friend, I started seeing Madonna. Without her love and guidance I wouldn’t be where I am today without her. Words cannot express how grateful I am. She is extremely talented. I am truly blessed for her ongoing support and guidance.


A couple of months ago I sought a program of sessions with Madonna to help me through a personal issue that has affected me most of my life – I’m a magnet for attracting needy men!  Through these sessions I was able to feel my very first point of pain and how I felt unworthy for love and I created this vast loneliness.  Madonna supported me throughout the sessions with FB messages and an action plan.  Each week I worked on areas that didn’t support or serve me and I am now fulfilled within myself.

Madonna has an inner knowing about each of her clients – it is accurate and scary (that she knows the truth!) – yet with her unconditional love and support she guides you through the challenges of facing the fear. I absolutely recommend Madonna to help you with any issue or problem that is affecting your life – it will change you – and everyone you interact with will benefit. 🙂


I have been working with Madonna for quite a few years now and in those years she has encouraged and supported me with her absolute honesty and understanding. I now think of her as a friend that will support you no matter what and help you find your way through the fog. I have nothing but gratitude and respect for her and her work as she’s been there every step of the way on my team. I think she understands me more than anyone else I know including my partner!! Love your work Madonna xx

Lisa (Newcastle)

I have been blessed to have met Madonna and attended several of her workshops completed her online workshop. Madonna is truly amazing to work with and has a special gift of connecting with you so you really get a higher understanding and healing of yourself.

I highly recommend anyone wanting to understand their life, improve their life or wanting to expand life to the best of their being to work with Madonna. My life has turned around completely and I am starting to live my life completely and fully in a way I only dreamed of. I am so grateful to Madonna for her guidance and support through my journey.

Leanne (Toowoomba)

Madonna helped me to see beyond the fog of my mind patterns and fears. When I was stuck and frightened to move forward, her gentle guidance, and spiritual support, helped me find the courage to take that step towards my dreams and goals. She helped me to not only listen to my inner voice, but take action on it. Thank you Madonna.

Jenny Edwards

When I first attended one of Madonna’s workshops I was lost. Constantly striving and searching for something that felt missing, yet I had no idea what that something was, let alone how to even begin to find it.

Enter Madonna. A truly gifted healer who through her innate knowing, guided me through facing my fears head on and ultimately set me on my own path to freedom, all in the comfort of a safe and supportive environment.

To know oneself is the greatest gift you can give to the world, and that is exactly what attending Madonna’s workshops will do for you. Madonna helped me uncover what it was I was missing and searching for. She is a truly gifted healer; one that will change your life.

My heartfelt thanks and gratitude Madonna.

Minta Pairama

Just wanting to share my experience with meditations I have listened to. At first I wasn’t sure what to expect but then I found myself listening to them when I was feeling anxious or when I needed to ground myself. The meditations are very personal and Madonna has such a calming voice that make them a pleasure to listen to and allows for you to really be yourself. These meditations have helped me so much beyond words, I am so thankful to have this kind of support and love in my life.

Des Paroz

Dearest Madonna ~ thank you for the continuous amazing journey of descovery of self knowledge ~ When the call in your heart is answered, you will find yourself open to the healing love of Madonna. When Madonna smiles, she gives of her inner being such tenderness & love, and you know somewhere deep inside, that your pain is already healing and joy and understanding of an issue will soon follow because you feel held within a loving embrace and wealth of knowing.

Being part of Madonna’s beautiful meditations & workshops has been a true joy. When the going got tough, there she was, supporting, encouraging, loving, quietly, constantly listening without intrusion, awakening an inner power, lost in time, but not forgotten, because the heart carried an imprint of its maker that just needed to remember.

My despair has dissipated and joy sings upon every breath. My love & deep gratitude to Madonna, so very dear to my heart always  xxx

Patricia (UK)

I would recommend Madonna to anyone wanting to really look at themselves and take responsibility for what they have created in their own lives. The first 6 months of this year were the hardest of my life having experienced a high conflict separation with my husband, but with Madonna’s advice and tools I was able to move through a lot of emotional pain and confusion. Madonna helped me understand how we attract people and situations that hold up a mirror to us.

It is easy to look at others and blame them for mistreating us but more difficult to look at the root of our problems and how we might be mistreating ourselves by holding onto false concepts and beliefs about how loveable or worthy we are. I have now reunited with my husband and feel that my new skills of keeping my focus on myself, questioning my own motives and judgements and releasing difficult feeling etc have really improved the quality of our new relationship. Madonna’s course truly helped save my marriage and I will always be very grateful for her guidance and support.
