I just wanted to share my experiences on the meditations with Madonna. They give me the opportunity to spend time connecting with me. We can so easily loose who we are when dealing with life’s needs and dealing with people and their needs. It creates the time, to focus and to connect with your true self and the higher self, this brings about subtle but deep changing awareness. You can never unlearn what you have learned, you can not go backwards when your heart and soul ask you to keep going forwards. These steps we take, take us on the real journey, this is the reason why we are here, in form in the first place. So, each small step, becomes another small step, each meditation becauses another small step towards who we are. Not through the mind, but through the heart and from our truth. Slowly, slowly we bring that awareness …. into our relationship with ourselves.
Dearest Madonna ~ thank you for the continuous amazing journey of descovery of self knowledge ~ When the call in your heart is answered, you will find yourself open to the healing love of Madonna. When Madonna smiles, she gives of her inner being such tenderness & love, and you know somewhere deep inside, that your pain is already healing and joy and understanding of an issue will soon follow because you feel held within a loving embrace and wealth of knowing. Being part of Madonna’s beautiful meditations & workshops has been a true joy. When the going got tough, there she was, supporting, encouraging, loving, quietly, constantly listening without intrusion, awakening an inner power, lost in time, but not forgotten, because the heart carried an imprint of its maker that just needed to remember. My despair has dissipated and joy sings upon every breath. My love & deep gratitude to Madonna, so very dear to my heart always xxx
Madonna’s healing loves you completely into opening yourself to your own truth and non-truth. I felt completely safe in her hands as they allowed me to see into the depths of my subconscious and acknowledge what had been separating me from love. Madonna’s open hearted acceptance and knowing gently deposits you back in to your own heart and truth.
My journey with Madonna started last year with a lot of heart ache, self-doubt and a tremendous amount of fear….the destination of our journey ended with an immense sense of relief, a feeling of fulfilment and a new direction destined for many great things to come. Your support Madonna has done me the world of goodness. I have opened my eyes and finally embracing the truth I have some what forgot about. Madonna helped me to listen to my body and feel the emotions I have pretended weren’t there. The feeling of suffocating is no longer….I am breathing…I am blessed. Thank you for being a blessing to my life.
My journey from start to finish with Madonna Sharpe was amazingly fufilling and satisfying for my soul. With so many concerns & worries… countless questions and clouded understandings of my life, I felt burdened and tangled leaving me feeling so fearful with anxiety I felt hopeless.. Making the decision to take part in Madonna’s programmes was the best choice I have made in my life thus far, I now see it as my “steps to freedom” I faced so many hidden fears… released so much more…and gained the most rewarding gift ever, a gift that once found and understood rightly.. would never fail or mislead me.. More than any money can buy. My truth.. My Inner Voice.. My Journey. Thank you Madonna for walking alongside me, I am truly Grateful to have had met an amazing women in you xo
Last year I had a lot of personal difficulties arise in my life and desperately needed someone to talk about these heavy issues. I needed to release everything I could no longer bare and my life was total chaos. I had difficulty even doing my job as I was under so much internal pressure. I looked fine from the outside. I was recommended to Madonna by an amazing woman Kathy (who was counselling me at the time) to do Madonna’s 8 week program. I can honestly say Madonna is amazing, she helped me find my true self again and helped me to discover where my problems were coming from, being self-judgement. The ability within myself was found to take back my confidence and to face a lot of realities I had difficulty with accepting. If you need to find yourself, feel yourself again or feel a little lost, invest in yourself and do this program. I am so much happier and confident within myself and it has changed my life! Thank you Madonna, you are extremely talented and special. I can’t thank you enough for bringing me back to life and uncovering the real me I lost along the way!
Madonna has assisted me with getting more in touch with my feelings. She is a very special healer and her caring and support have helped me to deal with my emotions, instead of avoiding them, for which I will be eternally grateful.
Lunch again with one of the most special people to come into my life. If I could give any of my friends/family one gift in life, it would be a healing consult/workshop with Madonna Sharpe. We all deserve happiness and clarity in life but sometimes we just don’t know how to achieve it. Well, I have found the key and I love her greatly for sharing it with me.
I have known Madonna for several years and when I heard she was doing a series of meditations, I just knew they were going to be something special. She totally gets it when you need inspiration and support because you can feel that she’s been on that journey herself. The meditations guide you into discovering who the real you is, underneath all those layers of conditioning that life has dealt you. She has always promptly followed up any issues that have come up for me, offering gentle reassurance…or a proverbial kick up the backside…whichever I’ve needed that day!! Thank you so much for helping me on my never ending, full of surprises, journey, Madonna
I almost didn’t go to the workshop because I wondered if it was really worth the one hour drive … After attending, I was blown away at just how clear I felt and reminded of how powerful it is to get back to basics and reconnect with my inner self. Thanks Madonna!
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