Patricia (UK)

Posted on Sep 19, 2016

Dearest Madonna ~ thank you for the continuous amazing journey of descovery of self knowledge ~ When the call in your heart is answered, you will find yourself open to the healing love of Madonna. When Madonna smiles, she gives of her inner being such tenderness & love, and you know somewhere deep inside, that your pain is already healing and joy and understanding of an issue will soon follow because you feel held within a loving embrace and wealth of knowing.

Being part of Madonna’s beautiful meditations & workshops has been a true joy. When the going got tough, there she was, supporting, encouraging, loving, quietly, constantly listening without intrusion, awakening an inner power, lost in time, but not forgotten, because the heart carried an imprint of its maker that just needed to remember.

My despair has dissipated and joy sings upon every breath. My love & deep gratitude to Madonna, so very dear to my heart always  xxx

Patricia (UK)